How To Get Two Female Dogs To Get Along?

Introducing a new dog to a household with an existing canine resident can be a delicate dance, especially when both are females. Often referred to as “same-sex aggression,” female dogs can sometimes exhibit competitive or territorial behaviors towards each other. So, how to get two female dogs to get along? 

With the right approach, understanding, and patience, it’s entirely possible to foster a harmonious relationship between two female dogs. 

This article provides a roadmap to navigate the challenges and ensure a peaceful coexistence between your four-legged companions.

Can Two Female Dogs Get Along Together?

Yes, two female dogs can get along together, but their relationship often depends on individual temperaments, socialization experiences, and the introduction process. Some female dogs can form close bonds, while others might exhibit competitive or dominant behaviors towards each other, sometimes referred to as “same-sex aggression.” 

Proper introductions, ensuring neutral territory initially, and supervising their interactions can help. Spaying can also reduce hormonal-driven conflicts. Consistent training, clear boundaries, and treating both dogs equally can further foster a harmonious coexistence.

How To Get Two Female Dogs To Get Along?

Getting two female dogs to get along can be challenging, especially if both are trying to assert dominance, a phenomenon often referred to as “bitch wars.” However, with patience, consistency, and the right strategies, harmony can often be achieved. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help two female dogs coexist peacefully:

1. Neutral Introduction

  • Introduce the dogs in a neutral location, like a park or a friend’s yard, where neither dog has established territory.
  • Keep both dogs on leashes and allow them to observe each other from a distance before gradually closing the gap.
  • Look for positive body language, such as wagging tails, relaxed postures, and playful bows.

2. Take it Slow

Don’t rush the introduction process. It might take several meetings in neutral locations before the dogs are ready to interact in a shared space.

3. Supervised Interactions

When you feel it’s time to introduce the dogs in the home, ensure all interactions are supervised. Be ready to intervene if tensions rise.

4. Separate Resources

To prevent resource guarding, provide separate food and water bowls, toys, and beds. Initially, it might be helpful to feed the dogs in separate rooms.

5. Avoid Favoritism

Ensure both dogs receive equal attention, treats, and playtime. Favoring one dog can create jealousy and tension.

6. Establish and Maintain Boundaries

Set clear rules for both dogs and ensure all family members enforce them consistently.

7. Use Positive Reinforcement

Reward both dogs for displaying calm and friendly behavior towards each other. This can help them associate each other with positive experiences.

8. Provide Individual Attention

Spend quality one-on-one time with each dog. This helps reinforce your bond with each dog and reduces potential jealousy.

9. Exercise

Ensure both dogs get plenty of exercise. A tired dog is often a less reactive dog. Consider walking them together, as shared activities can help build a positive association.

10. Break Up Fights Safely

If a fight does break out, avoid putting your hands near the dogs’ heads. Instead, use a loud noise, like clapping or a whistle, to distract them. If necessary, you can use a barrier, like a broom or a board, to separate them.

11. Seek Professional Help

If tensions continue or if fights become frequent, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can provide insights into the dogs’ behavior and offer tailored strategies for peaceful coexistence.

12. Consider Spaying

If the dogs aren’t already spayed, consider having the procedure done. Spaying can reduce aggressive tendencies in female dogs.

Remember, every dog is an individual, and what works for one pair might not work for another. The key is patience, consistency, and understanding the unique personalities and needs of each dog. With time and effort, many female dogs can learn to coexist peacefully or even become friends.

Also Read: How To Build Confidence In An Insecure Dog?

How Long Does It Take For 2 Female Dogs To Get Along?

The time it takes for two female dogs to get along varies widely based on their individual temperaments, past experiences, and the environment. Some dogs may bond within days, while others might take weeks or even months to establish a harmonious relationship. 

Proper introductions in neutral territories, consistent supervision, and positive reinforcement can expedite the bonding process. It’s essential to be patient, ensuring each dog has its own space and resources and intervening calmly if tensions arise to foster a peaceful coexistence.

Bottom Line

Getting two female dogs to get along involves a combination of controlled introductions, consistent training, and understanding each dog’s individual temperament and triggers. It’s essential to provide each dog with personal space and equal attention and to intervene proactively at the first signs of tension. 

While initial disagreements are not uncommon, with time, patience, and the right strategies, most female dogs can learn to coexist or even form close bonds. 

If challenges persist, seeking the expertise of a professional dog behaviorist can provide tailored solutions for a harmonious household.

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